External and Commercial Users
External Academic Users

In order to encourage usage of NSF- and NIH-funded instrumentation, IMSERC provides to all academic institutions subsidized internal rates for all services. This generous subsidization is made possible because IMSERC is a proud member of the National Science Foundation National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure Soft and Hybrid Nanotechnology Experimental Resource (NSF ECCS-2025633). All academic users can perform measurements on-site after proper training by IMSERC staff and/or submit samples for service work:
- On-site measurements: New first time external users wanting to perform analyses onsite must:
- Complete the Volunteer and Visitor Lab Agreement form as a waiver of liability
- Complete the account creation request form in order to have created an account in the management system (NUcore)
- Watch the online training. When asked to submit your group name, enter your institution’s name, and we will set up your accounts and show you how to arrange for training.
- Submitting samples: Academic users may submit samples for analyses at internal subsidized rates by IMSERC staff and receive the same services offered to internal customers or may choose more formal reports typically generated for commercial customers. New first time users should complete the account creation request form in order to have created an account in the management system (NUcore). Please wait until you receive confirmation from an IMSERC staff member and shipping address before mailing samples for analysis.
Commercial Users

IMSERC is a proud member of the National Science Foundation National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure Soft and Hybrid Nanotechnology Experimental Resource (NSF ECCS-2025633). We look forward to working with commercial users either on a walk up (self use) or fee for service basis. We can also tailor services according to individual needs. If you require a service not shown in the list of services, contact the IMSERC Director.
IMSERC respects needs of confidentiality and intellectual properties of companies and can either send rates directly to users or saved to a secure central file server where users can access data remotely through password protected accounts. Companies needing formal contracts can use standard contacts developed by NU Legal with no minimum charge. The standard contract and an overview of NU policies regarding commercial use can be found at the NU Shared and Core Facilities Website . Turnaround time for a standard contract is approximately one week. Users with special requirements can negotiate a separate contract with a $1,500 minimum project. Turnaround time is typically 3 weeks.
Commercial users can perform measurements on-site after proper training by IMSERC staff and/or submit samples for service work:
- On-site measurements: New first time external users wanting to perform analyses onsite must:
- Complete the Volunteer and Visitor Lab Agreement form as a waiver of liability
- Complete the account creation request form in order to have created an account in the management system (NUcore)
- Watch the online training. When asked to submit your group name, enter your institution’s name, and we will set up your accounts and show you how to arrange for training.
- Submitting samples: Commercial users may submit samples for analyses on a fee for service basis by IMSERC staff and receive the same services offered to internal customers and choose more formal reports for their data/analyses. Examples of available reports:
- Crystallographic structure elucidation
- Mass Spectrometry report (LC-UV-MS)
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) verification
New first time users submitting samples should complete the account creation request form in order to have created an account in the management system (NUcore). IMSERC accepts credit cards and payment by check made out to "Northwestern University" and sent to the IMSERC Director. Additionally, IMSERC provides tailored services to meet individual needs. For small jobs, IMSERC will provide a statement of work and invoice after work is approved. If you require a service not shown in the list of services, contact the IMSERC Director. Please wait until you receive confirmation from an IMSERC staff member and shipping address before mailing samples for analysis.