General News

X-Ray Crystallography Training for Post-Docs in IMSERC
11:30 AM, IMSERC
The formal Chem432 class taught in winter quarter is open to post-doctoral visitors. Researcher will be trained on how to collect data and solve crystal structures for publication or just to understand the experiment better when submitting samples or writing and reading publications. If you are interested in partaking in the course please let us know along with the chart string. Deadline for enrollment is January 4, 2021. Classes start on January 11 th . Lectures and the computer lab are held from 8 to 9:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Installation of 4th new single crystal diffractometer
Installation of the high-energy Ag-radiation single crystal diffractometer is scheduled for the end of the week. Diffractometer will enable routine high-pressure measurements in Diamond Anvil Cells and total scattering experiments

User's Success Story
Remote training is now available
Dear users, we are pleased to start offering remote training on most of the instruments in IMSERC. Please submit your training requests as normal and we will contact you regarding your training session. At the meantime, please familiarize yourself with the revised COVID-19 IMSERC policy
Upcoming COVID-19 training session
In case you have not registered to one of the training sessions yet, please check the list of the next scheduled training sessions
COVID-19 specific Frequently Asked Questions
A COVID-19 specific Frequently Asked Questions page was created based on the questions we received during the first four operations training sessions. In case you have not registered to one of the training sessions yet, please check the next available training sessions
COVID-19 specific announcement, Phased Return to Campus
In accordance with the Phased Return to Campus plan and guidance released by the University, IMSERC staff will begin the process of having a greater in-person presence in the facility, starting the first week in June. Please read more information about our current policies

In Situ powder diffraction experiments highlighted in journal cover
CrysAlisPro workshop
10:00 AM, IMSERC
IMSERC and Rigaku will be holding a Zoom meeting on CrysAlisPro, which is the software used on the new single crystal diffractometers. The Q/A workshop will go over some of the basic and advanced options of CrysAlisPro. Please contact a Crystallography staff for more information
COVID-19 specific announcement
Due to the COVID-19 situation, IMSERC staff will be working from off campus until at least April 7, 2020. Please read more information about our current policies
Installation of 3rd new single crystal diffractometer
Installation of the rotating dual anode single crystal diffractometer (DW-Synergy) is scheduled for the first week of March

Quantitative mass spectrometry capabilities at IMSERC

NEW mass spectrometry imaging capabilities at IMSERC

IMSERC awarded Core Facilities Excellence Award

Thermal analysis data used in a Nature paper

New IMSERC Director announced

New Mo-microsource single crystal diffractometer

X500 is upgraded with a Bruker TXO Prodigy probe and SampleXpress autosampler!

New Cu-microsource single crystal diffractometer

1.6 mm HFX probe (spinning up to 40k) is installed on Hg400!

New IMSERC Staff

HFCN600 upgraded with a Bruker NEO 600 MHz console and QCI-F cryoprobe

A BBFO probe added on Ag500

A600 upgraded with a new BBFO probe and SampleXpress

Hg400 upgraded to Bruker 400 MHz HD console for both Solids and Liquid NMR!