Mass Spectrometers in IMSERC
Sciex QTrap 6500+

This instrument is configured for UPLC and nanoLC. These two modes of operations will share a calendar. The mass spectrometer is capable of performing all standard scans of a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, in addition to some unique scans by using the linear ion trap scan modes. This system is best suited for trace level quantitation of small to moderate size molecules. Avialable sources are ESI, APCI, and nanoESI. The UPLC system is capable of operating in both HPLC and UPLC modes. Because of the nature of quantitative analysises, reservation have to be on a per day basis.
- Triple Quadrupole and Linear Ion Trap Mass Analyzers in the System
- Examples of available scans are Q1 MS, Product Ion, Precursor Ion, Neutral Loss and Gain, MRM, MRM3, and ER Enhanced Resolution.
- Ionization Sources - ESI, APCI, and nanoESI
- Mass Range up to 2,000 Da
- UPLC and nanoLC Capable
- High-Throughput Capable
Bruker AutoFlex III Smartbeam

This is our MALDI-ToF instrument (matrix assisted laser desorption ionization – time of flight) for open access use. The instrument uses Compass™ 1.4 for Flex-series. Both negative and positive ionization modes can be used on the same spot. This instrument is ideal for biopolymers (proteins, RNA, DNA, oligosaccharides), organometallic salts, and many synthetic polymers. Typical operation modes are high resolution reflectron mode for ions with m/z lower than 4kDa and lower resolution linear mode for macromolecules with m/z reaching 100s of kDa.
- Single stage Time-of-Flight Analyzer
- Resolving power 20,000 in reflectron mode, and 5,000 in linear mode
- Mass Accuracy 20 ppm
- Mass Range 100s of kDa
- Smartbeam-II laser technology, Nd:YAG laser, 355 nm
Bruker RapiFlex Tissue Typer

This is our MALDI-ToF instrument (matrix assisted laser desorption ionization – time of flight) for open access use and tissue imaging. The instrument uses Fleximaging software and is ideal for biopolymers (proteins, RNA, DNA, oligosaccharides), organometallic salts, and many synthetic polymers. It works up to 20 times faster than traditional ToF systems yielding higher throughput and data turn around. It offers in-depth characterization and imaging of tissue an cell cultures.
- Smartbeam 3D laser
- Acquisition of 50 true square pixel / second
- Laser repetition rate 10 kHz
- Three-stage reflector for maximum resolution
Bruker Impact-II

This instrument is dedicated to accurate mass measurements by flow injection or liquid chromatography introduction modes, either in the MS or MSMS modes. The mass spectrometer has a resolving power of 65,000 and the LC pumps are cabable of working against 1,000 bars of back pressure. Both LC and UPLC type separations are possible. The mass spectrometer is configured with an electrospray ionization (ESI) source as its default source. Other sources, APPI, APCI, and a nanoESI coupled to a nanoLC are also available under engineering control. The mass spectrometer can scan both in positive and negative ion modes. Both qualitative and quantitative work flows are available. Typical uses of the system are accurate mass measurement of small molecules, MW identification of biopolymers (protein, peptides, oligos), including mixed mode macromolecules, measrement of mass differences between native and modified macromolecules, targeted metabolite identification, structure elucidation, etc. This instrument is set up for analyzing compounds soluble in ESI friendly solvents (Water, Methanol, and Acetonitrile) only.
- Mass Range 20 - 40,000 m/z
- Quadrupole isolation up to 3,000 m/z
- Mass Acc better than 2 mDa
- Resolving Power 65,000 observed
- SmartFormula 3D Capable
Bruker AmaZon-X

This instrument is dedicated to LCMS and LCMSMS type of experiments. The mass spectrometer is configured with an electrospray ionization (ESI) source and can operate in both negative and positive ionization mode. In addition, this instrument is capable of performing MSn fragmentation, quantitation experiments, and protein MW deconvolution by using MaxEnt deconvolution software. This instrument is set up for analyzing compounds soluble in ESI friendly solvents (Water, Methanol, and Acetonitrile) with a variety of additives to enable reverse phase HPLC separations. The LC system is an Agilent 1200 Series. The AmaZon X is especially useful for quantitative workflows and determining the molecular weights of proteins and polynucleotides up to a molecular weight of about 50 kDa using the MaxEnt software.
- Quadrupole ion trap mass analyzer
- Scan speeds of up to 52,000 u/sec
- Ionization Sources - ESI only
- Mass Range up to 3,000 Da, or 6,000 Da in Extended Mass Range Mode
Bruker AmaZon-SL

This instrument is nearly identical to AmaZon-X but dedicated to molecular weight and purity analysis by flow injection (no LC). The mass spectrometer is configured with an electrospray ionization (ESI) source and can operate in both negative and positive ionization mode. One can analyze compounds that have an improved solubility in less polar solvents (e.g. isopropanol, methylene chloride). MSn is also available for structural elucidation experiments. The solvent delivery is made by an Agilent 1100 quad pump system.
- Quadrupole ion trap mass analyzer
- Scan speeds of up to 32,000 u/sec
- Ionization Sources - ESI only
- Mass Range up to 2,200 Da, or 4,000 Da in Extended Mass Range Mode
Agilent GCMSD-Headspace

This is a single stage quadrapole GC mass spectrometer that is fitted with a Headspace Module. Unknown compounds in a mixture can be identified using the NIST library of spectra. This instrument is ideal for quantitating known compounds in complex mixtures. The mass range is limited to 800 Daltons.
- Quadrupole Mass Analyzer
- Both solid and liquid samples can be analyzed
- Ionization Sources - Electron Impact
- Mass Range up to 800 Da
- Column FFAP for polar molecules; non-polar molecules elute early

This is a single quadrapole GC mass spectrometer with a DB5 column for non-polar molecules. Unknown compounds in a mixture can be identified using the NIST library of spectra. This instrument is ideal for quantitating known compounds in complex mixtures. The mass range is limited to 800 Daltons.
- Quadrupole Mass Analyzer
- Column DB5, maximum temperature 340 oC
- Ionization Sources - EI
- Mass Range up to 800 Da